Created by children’s author and disability advocate Tabitha Page, Forevabilty aims to make it easy to find books, podcasts and more which focus on disability, illness and other specialized subjects. We hope to inspire, empower, teach and support. All work on the website has been done voluntarily, the website is free to use and we hope that we can in some way help you as you continue on your journey, whatever that journey may be.
- To collect and provide resources related to Disability, Illness, Inclusion and Own Voice stories. - To empower people living with disabilities or illnesses. - To connect people with others living with the same or similar conditions. - To support those living with Disability and Illness, their family and friends. - To advocate for individuals and families living with disabilities or illnesses.
-Create a community that understands the impact that prejudice and lack of knowledge has on the daily life and mental health of those experiencing it. -To create a world that understands the impact of disability and illness on individuals, their families, friend and acquaintances. -To create a kinder and more understanding community and world. -To highlight the importance of being allowed to use one's voice. - To assist individuals and groups in using their voice to advocate for those who cannot.
The right to support and be supported The right to learn and to teach The right to be understood Compassion Understanding Uplifting and Empowering others
All writing and allimages on this website are copyright and cannot be copied or used without the express and written permission of Tabitha J Page. Sharing pages straight from the website is welcomed however/please give credit if sharing and use the direct browser link.